What is calligraphy ?“ look like a enigmatic crossword ,” “ it’s a piece of objective art ,” “ it’s a mystic painting .” Here was no consensus
Perhaps calligraphy is all the above statements – an art which makes one feel centred; the creation of which leads to central growth and maturity. The Chinese raked it an arat above painting – over 2000 years ago, and the Persian painters important it to a partially - mystic status in Islamic painting.
The dictionary meaning of calligraphy is the art of pretty handwriting. The honest translation from Greek means good-looking handwriting – a communication of ideas aesthetically. The aesthetics of the cost of clarity if needed. To my mind it is to the eyes what music is to the ears and as someone put it – “ Calligraphy is to writing what eloquence is to speech .”
Over the centuries calligraphy adorned books and manuscripts, buildings, wall panels and works of art – paintings and murals. In fresh years calligraphy has also been made to order to textiles.
Dress designers have old calligraphy to perpetuate messages in a easy language.
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